Grill Repair : Converting a Natural Gas Appliance Regulator to Propane

When your converting a grill from one gas type to the other, you not only have to change the orifices you will have to change the appliance regulator (if you are converting from Natural Gas to LP). Some grills do not require an appliance regulator so if you are converting to LP you may be able to remove the regulator on the grill. Though, you will need a regulator to hook up to the tank.

The regulator may be convertible or it may not. Be sure that the appliance regulator is convertible. You can tell by the fitting at the top of the regulator. It will be shaped as a hexagon.

A non-convertible regulator that is set for natural gas only will have a circle at the top with a line down the center.

If your grill comes with a appliance regulator on the grill you will have to convert the regulator along with converting the grill. Also if you are converting a grill from LP to Natural Gas, it is a good safety measure to add a appliance regulator.

See below image

Appliance Regulator

All natural gas grills are required to have an appliance regulator. It regulates the pressure going into the grill.

It is good idea to have one on an LP grill that has high BTUs.

These grills will include an appliance regulator that is convertible.

To convert to Propane (or Natural Gas), you will need a wrench and the regulator.

Converting an appliance regulator tools

1. Unscrew the cap at the top of the regulator using a wrench

2. Pull the plug out at the bottom of the cap and rotate plug and snap into the back of the cap to the gas type you need. (the plug that is in the cap will have the gas type molded in it. If it set for Natural Gas it will have an NAT. The bottom side of the cap will say LP) The gas type you are converting to will be inserted into the cap.

3. Twist the cap back on the regulator

4. Install the regulator to the manifold

If you should have any questions, please call us at 877-983-0451

by Tracy Hollander on 28th Jul 2018

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